Our nation needs a spiritual awakening. We need a Holy Spirit revival that will turn our nation back to the true and living God.
The true story is told of a great revivalist who was on route to conduct meetings in an American town. Travelling by horse-back meant the journey was arduous and the man of God grew weary. He began to ask God to prepare the community for his time of ministry among the people. He was three days away and as each hour passed he fervently sought God that he might move by the power of the Holy Spirit. He was intending to preach in a field in the open air just outside the town. There had been no preparation and no advertising instead, he cried unto God and asked the Holy Spirit to take control.
On the day planned for the event, a few praying people who were expecting him went to pray in the field. God began to speak to people in the town and draw them towards the field for no apparent reason. They flocked towards the place where the man of God would deliver his message as the Holy Spirit began to convict men and woman, young people and children. People cried out for forgiveness and, as the holiness of God’s presence was manifest, a deep spiritual awakening began within that town. Many were slain under the anointing of the Spirit as God worked a miracle in their hearts and lives. Public confession of sin and acknowledgement of the need for mercy and cleansing was heard as the man of God approached the field. To his amazement he realised the Lord had already done the work by the power of His Spirit. He simply preached the good news and the revival continued for many days. A whole community came to Christ as a direct result of the prayers of this man and those who prepared for his arrival.
Just a moment of God’s manifest power would be enough. I am not referring to a feeling, or an emotional moment, although it usually affects every dimension of our being, I am referring to a moment of deep conviction of sin and need which causes us to fall before God and cry out for mercy. His presence and glory should bring us to our knees in worship. It should bring us to faith and belief in Christ. It should bring us to a place of acknowledgement of His work on the Cross as we confess our sin. It should bring us to confess Jesus as Lord and that He is risen from the dead.
We need to continue to pray for a sovereign move of the Holy Spirit. This is what will save our nation. No political answer can turn the tide and heal the land. Only a move of God will bring this about. It can happen in a moment. KEEP PRAYING.