What a joy it is has been to see people coming to Christ and being baptised. Many fellowships do not see or experience what we are walking through in HICC in these days. It is all by His grace and by His hand. It does however, bring great responsibility to each partner and attendee. Our responsibility is to ‘live a life worthy of the calling we have received’. We must operate in life in such a way as to release the full expression of God’s Kingdom among us.
How do we do this?
The answer is found in how we serve together. In HICC we use the Biblical term ‘partnership’. Partnership is about walking in the unity of the Spirit and aligning ourselves as one body to the purpose of God. What an exciting prospect for us all. Where else can one find such purpose and cooperation? It is spiritual work with eternal accomplishments. This lifts it beyond just being part of a secular organisation or club. We are part of the ‘Ekklesia of God, which is the community of heaven who are still on the earth because we are a ‘people belonging to God’. We must be willing partners and serve with a right heart and spirit. It is a joy and privilege to serve together in the work of the Lord.
Who should be involved?
The answer is found in our calling. We believe God called you to belong to Himself and has placed you in the Church right where He wants you to be so it is not an accident that you are part of HICC. We hope you will become a partner with us because Partnership is such a vital part of our DNA as a Church. We want you to be fulfilled and complete what God has called you to do, and the best way for this to happen in HICC is to partner with us. This is where we agree to walk together as co-workers with Christ. It lets the leaders and the family know that you are committed and willing to serve alongside others in the family of HICC. (Please complete the form in the newsletter and pop it in the white letterbox in the foyer and we will process your request)
Why build this way?
The answer is because wise building requires strong structures. You have perhaps heard me say that what holds a building together is unseen. The foundations and steel structures are mostly unseen, but without these vital components the building would collapse. Jesus is the foundation and His completed work is the only foundation upon which we can build, but we have the responsibility of building wisely upon rock and not sand. Our prayer is that every partner will serve to build the fellowship wisely and that you will remain at your post, belong to the family and serve with all your heart.
Finally; Miriam and I are available to support you as we walk forward together. Let’s enjoy the journey as God takes us into new days together.
Pastor Paul & Miriam